Monthly Newsletters

  • January Newsletter

    Welcome back to Michael Sadowsky's Monthly Creative Newsletter. This Month: January 1 Bag 5 Paintings 1 Dog Statue Painted ...
  • September Newsletter

    Hello All,

    Welcome back to Michael Sadowsky's Monthly Creative NewsletterYou are receiving this email because I would love to share my finished projects (Paintings, shirts, videos, pictures, articles) with you! 
    If you have any friends that would like to be included, please forward them this email. 
    Recap for this month: September
    Finished Projects: 
    6 Paintings
    4 Masks
    A Clock
    A Desk Garden
  • August Newsletter

    Hello All,

    Welcome to Michael Sadowsky's Monthly Creative Newsletter.
    Recap for this month: AUGUST
    Finished Projects: 
    -Four Paintings 
    -Two Masks
    -One T-shirt Design 